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Album Design
Project type
Album Cover
March 2024
Design an album cover.
Choose your favorite artist/band and create a BEST OF / GREATEST HITS album.
Choose the 10 songs (5 per side) and the order. Design the front and back covers as well as the inside of the album cover. The inside will contain the lyrics as well as artwork/imagery that reflects the artist/band and/or music you have selected.
Use your imagination and select YOUR favorite songs. YOU are the producer. You can use imagery from the Internet, but it must be in a high enough resolution to not look pixelated and you must cite where you obtained your work and content in your process memo.
Size: Create a gatefold album cover. Folded size is 12 ½" x 12 ½", Unfolded is 25" W x 12 1/2" H. You do not need to create artwork for the record sleeve.